And away we go...

Welcome to my world...Here I am ,pen to paper or shall I say 'Word to Window' and I am off to explore this world... I am a "watcher" not a "doer" and I am ready to rock, roll and 'rite... Come along, if you dare, ya never know what we'll find there!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Timed out

Did you ever fill out an application online? Its lotsa fun! we are trying to buy a new car and I thought it would be so much easier to fill out the credit union application online, so, sounds good, huh?
Now I must first tell you that I already did fill out an application about two weeks ago and then again about 3 months ago. We are just taking some time to find the right vehicle and not impulse buy, like we usually do. This may be the 9th vehicle we have purchased through this credit union also. So, when I filled out my application as a primary, that means your name is first and your credit is run first, and the percentage rate for the loan jumped oh, let me do the math, 6.75 points in the last 60-90 days!

Hmm...what the ??? Yep, that's what they tell me, but they can't tell me why... it's my credit, who you keeping a secret from? Anyway, I am told that my spouse can be the primary and then it would be 4.75 points lower! Oh dear God...Are ya kidding me? Well, why is his credit better? They can't tell me...well,at least now I know who you are keeping this secret from! Thanks! So, let's try it again! I go online last night and tried two times to fill out the application and I got "timed out" This is somehow for our security ...But I wasn't finished! OK, so maybe I am slow at typing, but I am tired now and so I went to bed thinking I would have a fresh start in the morning...

Fast forward to today 10am...I was all prepared, I had our employer's addresses and phone numbers written down, our SS#s, our driver's license number's, our mother's first cousin's neighbor's girl scout troop's number...EVERYTHING I needed!!! I even had two, three cups of coffee in me! And I started, got half way through... timed out for my security. Tried again, sped up a little... timed out for my security. Now I am really starting to get ticked off...Third time's the charm??? Nope did it again! And I tell you I was typing faster than a speeding bullet too! Aw, crap, I give up! Don't even tell me I need to actually go there and fill out a paper application? That is so 1990! come on! Deep breath in...deep breath out...count to ten...get out your frustrations by blogging. HOLY Mary! mother of pearl...You won't believe it! I just got "timed out" doing this blog!!! If I'm lying, I'm dying! At least, the blog gave me some more time to finish, phew! Now back to the credit union...

If I could turn back time, if I could find a way...

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