And away we go...

Welcome to my world...Here I am ,pen to paper or shall I say 'Word to Window' and I am off to explore this world... I am a "watcher" not a "doer" and I am ready to rock, roll and 'rite... Come along, if you dare, ya never know what we'll find there!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Just one word

Driving home yesterday, I heard a song and heard a word-one word and thought I want to WRITE!!!! Everyday every minute! there is so much to say! Hope I get to say it...I write best when I am alone and it is hard to find ME time, but I just need to get up early, I guess...easier said than done, of course! SO..the word was "Breathe" nice song...lulling,lilting,smooth...knock you out and put you to sleep nice! Anyone ever tell you to "Breathe" Maybe you WERE having a panic attack or just heard some disturbing news, BUT! Why do people say that? Isn't it a given that I WILL breathe, unless of course, I am having some kind of medical difficulty and even then, "Put some oxygen on my face and THEN tell me to "BREATHE!" That would be appropriate... Here's another one: "Count to ten" hmmm, why ten? Why not twenty? If it IS me, why not three? I want things to change and be better in three seconds, not TEN! Yes Three is my number...I only have three seconds of patience in me and then God help whoever told me to count to ten, because I will give them exactly THREE seconds to get out of my face and then "You better run, you better hide" Cause what ever the reason was that 'caused' YOU to tell me to count to ten will be GONE and I will now focus all my energy on YOU!...Maybe that DOES work...hmmm... Since we are bringing up "Stupid things to say to a Scorpio" how about? let me think..."Stop and smell the roses" which immediately cause me to take in a DEEP breath, which will make all the "Take a breath" people happy, I am sure! I will STOP! when and IF I want to...don't tell me...Granted, roses are lovely and perhaps one of the sweetest smells God ever planned, EXCEPT, He coulda made the fragrance stronger and the wind blow a little bit more around them so I don't have to STOP! bend over and smell them. Now don't all you "Garden People" start telling me that "there ARE roses that have a stronger,more aromatic smell, you know! "Yep! I DO know! Just saying, I might not have time to stop so the smell should just come right up to me to remind me to slow down, that's all...And I suppose...if I STOP, I will then "Slow down?" Yeah, whatever, Garden People, ya happy now? MY Scorpio "sisters" will have to check in and tell me if I am talking truth or talking trash, but some phrases that people say are just DUMB and annoying and these are MY Top Three! Now, If you "slip" and say one of these, I will NOT make you pay the price, I will ignore the stupid statement and forgive you, because...that is what I do...I forgive...IT is what gets me through this crazy game of life. BUT you can't go around telling people "Now, just STOP, count to THREE, SMELL and now, FORGIVE!" or can you? I will try this one out on a fellow Scorpio and my bet is this...She will look and me real funny-like and say "What the hell?" Perhaps you wonder...Do I ever say these things to people myself? Well, SURE, all the time! I'm a nurse, for crying out loud! I get paid for telling patients to "Breathe" ya know and sometimes I have to tell family members to go in the hall or outside and "count to ten" and then after all is said and done and things are better for them all...I tell them to "Appreciate Life and each other and slow down and stop to smell the roses" I LOVE helping people like that! Whew! Another subject to cross off my 'bucket list" of stuff to write about! Well..."Have a nice day, everyone!" and
Breathe, just breathe

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