And away we go...

Welcome to my world...Here I am ,pen to paper or shall I say 'Word to Window' and I am off to explore this world... I am a "watcher" not a "doer" and I am ready to rock, roll and 'rite... Come along, if you dare, ya never know what we'll find there!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Instant Karma

What goes round, comes 'round. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
 Karma is a bitch! They all mean the same..... what you put out there will come back to you.

Well, that law can really suck sometimes.

 I was just talking about Pain the other day,
I wasn't "dissing" it. And what did I get? Pretty much the worst pain of my life except for labor x 2 of course! I merely ate a tuna sub on a mixed grain roll (no onions, even) and wham! "Hello, here I am, I will now be trying to force the entire contents of your stomach up through your mild hiatal hernia and cause you some real pain, be-otch !" 

What the ? No amount of tums or 'over the counter' Zantac could help me escape the fiery flames of this case of indigestion! Hells Bells, mama! I had to sleep sitting up all night. Now other thoughts that popped into my mind were "I am in my heart attack years!" and "a blow like that to the ticker" could cause some serious damage...Hmm, is my left arm tingling or is that my imagination?

 Did I read somewhere that indigestion can "mimic" a heart attack?...Geez, I feel a little dizzy,
what's up with that? Well, let me just try to survive the night and if I don't wake up dead,
then I can figure this out tomorrow...

Good morning world, I made it through the night...Now at the doctors office, I get the "well you know you are older now, it might have been a good idea to rule out any cardiac issues"
Yes, I see, as I took the Rx for Protonix: big guns for heartburn, everybody who is admitted to the hospital gets this drug whether they need it or not! And "since you are here, your cholesterol is up let's give you a prescription "for that too!

And so I am here, with an appointment with my gastro guy, not the cardiologist, been there done that, will discuss at another time...

Oops, forgot to take my meds, where is that Protonix? And let's just save that cholesterol medicine for a day when I am off so I can monitor any side effects that could happen...and where is the rest of that tuna sub? "Why in the world are we here, surely not to live in pain and fear"

Well, we all shine on....