And away we go...

Welcome to my world...Here I am ,pen to paper or shall I say 'Word to Window' and I am off to explore this world... I am a "watcher" not a "doer" and I am ready to rock, roll and 'rite... Come along, if you dare, ya never know what we'll find there!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Pain, pain go away!

Because of You  by Reba and Kelly Clarkson is playing on the radio as I try to think of a subject.
I am well rested after taking a muscle relaxer for sleep last night and my mind is somewhat blank.
Is that what happens when we sleep good? I can't take the chance that any thoughts of mine will somehow escape into the dark of night! Where is my list of to-do and what to avoid? What day is this? Why am I in a panic because all I want to do is lay back down on the couch and find that peaceful escape again?

Chemicals and creativity don't mix, I guess, even if they are bones and joints don't even feel that much better, though rested. What is it with doctors who try to fix us with drugs? I do have a few (drugs, not doctors ) that actually help me and this I know because I ran out of them and while waiting for them to be renewed ("we have to fax the doctor first" ) guess what? The symptoms that they were supposed to relieve actually showed up! And they brought fiendish friends. They were full force and stronger too.

I had actually forgotten about Pain, my old adversary, but there he was! yeah, I said he!
 He is stronger than me, for sure, and he can cut me down in a wink of an eye. What good is Pain?
 If it's a reminder that I am alive or can actually feel something, then I got the point long time ago,
so back off Buddy!

Some people have a sick relationship with pain. They are married to it and when they have a chance to divorce it, then they don't want to, because why? They won't have someone to complain or bitch about, that's why...

I have been in a legal separation with Pain for because my pain pills are by Rx only,
no street drugs for me... we are still drawing up the terms of our final separation and I fear that may only end at the Pearly Gates, but that's OK. I prefer to have a working relationship with this literal pain in my butt until then and so we shall be "frenemies" for now. I will let him think that he has the upper hand and moan and groan here and there when it is appropriate. I may even use a heating pad or an ice pack or two. You know what they say....keep your friends close and your enemies closer.......

Sometimes, it is better  to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt

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