And away we go...

Welcome to my world...Here I am ,pen to paper or shall I say 'Word to Window' and I am off to explore this world... I am a "watcher" not a "doer" and I am ready to rock, roll and 'rite... Come along, if you dare, ya never know what we'll find there!

Monday, July 5, 2010


Well, sleep is overrated any way, right? Seems like a waste of time sometimes and besides why bother to catch a few zzzz's when ya just gotta get up in a few hours anyhow?

Lotsa people have sleep disorders or sleep disturbances today.
I do...I have sleep apnea, which basically means that I stop breathing while I sleep and not enough oxygen goes to my brain and that can cause all kinds of crap. Heck, I am so tired that I can hardly remember it all ....I think memory loss is one of them though!

Anyway, why bother to try and get a good night's sleep if...say,
you don't fall asleep until 2-3 o'clock in the morning and then maybe your kid comes home and upstairs at about oh, 4:30am and then, oh, you start to doze off and your hubby's alarm clock goes off and he's the kinda guy that likes to hit
the "snooze" button 4-5 times.... In between his snoozing somebody might be snoring and that wakes you up too! But maybe he wasn't the one snoring...hmm

Ahh, then he gets up and it starts to rain! what a great sound...lulling, soothing, relaxing and just when you are in that sweet, sweet stops!

Now we have dead silence... Come On! how am I supposed to get any rest with the "sounds of silence"?
  Hello darkness, my old friend, I've come to talk with you thoughts, my flights of fancy, my grocery list,
my to-do list are all traipsing (is that a real word?) through my mind and they are louder than the firecrackers from last night!

OK, let's see...count backwards from 100 by threes and that will help me doze off...what moron came up with that one? must have been from one of those crazy women's magazines!,la,la, what the? the frikkin dog is barking! and barking! Is she just being stupid or is there really a concern downstairs? Wait 'til I find that shock collar, she will be living in it 24-7... She did wake us up once when we didn't hear a fire alarm going off and there have been a lot of robberies in this part of town, lately.... Son of a ....guess I'll go down and check it out.....

So, nothing, nothing! and she's hiding in her cage; coward! She's barking at the dogs next door, for crying out loud! Geez! Well, while I am down here, guess I'll get a cup of coffee and turn on the radio...."Aww, the night before" yeah wish I woulda got some sleep the night before...I gotta get up in a few hours and hang out with a two year old all day, after all, it's my day off...
Guess I'll try to catch a few zzz's.....g'nite....wonder if I should take my sleeping pill?....maybe I shouldn't have had those 2 cups of coffee....maybe the baby will sleep in and then I could sleep, too...guess I could take a nap later, I really like naps....why can't I turn off my thoughts???? zzzzzzzzz

But the visions softly creeping, left it's seeds while I was sleeping...