And away we go...

Welcome to my world...Here I am ,pen to paper or shall I say 'Word to Window' and I am off to explore this world... I am a "watcher" not a "doer" and I am ready to rock, roll and 'rite... Come along, if you dare, ya never know what we'll find there!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Writer's Block

Funny thing about FACEBOOK, some people don't realize that the whole world can see what you write. They may think they are just talking to their friends but they are shocked to see what others may say when they write something that is either off color, nasty, judgmental, bigoted or just plain mean...

The written word cannot be taken back...there is no way to back pedal from what is written.
The spoken word can be twisted and molded into something different, however... If backed into a corner, you can always say..."Oh that is not what I meant" or "I was just kidding" or accuse the other person of "twisting everything I say around"...We can dance around the spoken word...we might even say "did I say that? I don't remember saying that but well, if you say I did, then maybe I did," which puts seeds of self doubt into your adversary's mind...

When you write it, it's gospel, you might as well spit on it and give it some extra DNA. "Did I write that?" Uh, yes, yes you did, look here it is, this is your handwriting...or yes I printed out the email that you sent me, you wrote it alright...

A child I know wrote this on Facebook---"Oh my flippin god"...I replied: "Do you have a flippin god? Really?" If you said this aloud in my presence, you would be tasting the sweet pique of Palmolive soap, Ralphie!

It all comes down to respect, watch your words, use your words, words words...Which words are ok to use and which should be off limits? Do you know your prospective employer can check you out on Facebook? They might not like that you call your BFF a "ho"...they can't hear that you are just kidding...They may not be comfortable with the fact that you are comfortable with so many four letter words... They may not even be pleased to see you write that you hate your never know who's checking out the comment you wrote! it may be a co-worker in the next cubicle. Sure, they are not your friend, but they might be your friend's friend...

Think twice, keep it light, not political or religious, that's a whole other can of worms...Use only bad words for your traffic jams, but keep it down. Someone might hear a two year old in the back seat or the guy that just cut you off...he might just be lookin for a fight....

Like they say:  Use your words!  Use good all the bad words for closed doors or alone time.

It's only words, but words are all I choose wisely...


  1. No way, just better to keep a 'low profile' to the general public, especially in this day of Big Brother watching! Say what ya want, just keep it in the "inbox"
