And away we go...

Welcome to my world...Here I am ,pen to paper or shall I say 'Word to Window' and I am off to explore this world... I am a "watcher" not a "doer" and I am ready to rock, roll and 'rite... Come along, if you dare, ya never know what we'll find there!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Shoulda known better with a girl like you...

I found a picture of myself in 10th grade. I was so darn cute and skinny, that it's downright scary! "Do I still look like that?" I asked my friend Bobby, 10th grade was the year I met him. Now it's possible that he is afraid to answer. Guys are funny that way. They stop and pause and think about what they should say and what 'version of the truth' they should tell you. Guys only do that if they like you or love you. If they don't care or like you, they answer quickly
"yeah, yeah, you look the same" They don't know that we ask them stuff like that just to mess with them and it's also a surefire way to get a compliment if ya need one.....Oh and Bobby said "Yep, but purdier" Told ya!! Guys are really great sometimes!

I'll do an experiment for you. I will show my husband the very same picture and ask him the same question...OK, experiment over! First I have to tell you that one of his favorite movies is Yes Man with Jim Carey. So I showed him the picture and he did not hesitate or pause, he said "Yes, dear, you sure do look the same" So, did my experiment backfire or what? Nah, he just knows how to play the game after many years and he does that just to mess with me...

So the bigger question is this..."Why do I see that younger, prettier, skinnier girl in the mirror when I look into it?" Am I the only one with a 'magic mirror' or does my heart just see what it wants to see? Aww, 17 again, would I go back if I could? Uh, yeah...
I would right a few wrongs, take more risks, go to more concerts, for sure, especially The Young Rascals concert at Pirate's World. 
I would have slapped the crap out of a few of the jerks I dated too. 
I would have gone to college if I had to beg, borrow or steal to do it.
 I would have moved away from here. 
I would have been unafraid to talk to anyone!
  I would have been the me I am today then. 
I would not be scared of my own shadow.
I would have been one of the most confident, friendly, funny, kind, honest, outspoken people you could ever meet. 
I would have been me sooner...
So, how did I get from there to here and acquire all these adjectives? Heck, all you need is a few 'co-pays' and you can figure it out pretty quick...

But, to change all that would change me, I guess, huh? And it would change who my children and my grandchildren are....And in the end, they are the reason I would not go back....I would not have missed meeting them for the world....To know that you are a reason that certain wonderful women are on the planet is a very powerful thing...They are my greatest work and the most awesome gifts that I could ever give to the world...

Well, she was just 17, if you know what I mean

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