And away we go...

Welcome to my world...Here I am ,pen to paper or shall I say 'Word to Window' and I am off to explore this world... I am a "watcher" not a "doer" and I am ready to rock, roll and 'rite... Come along, if you dare, ya never know what we'll find there!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


"Sunday, Maunday, Tuesday, Thursday"
That's what Tom Hanks character said in "You've Got Mail" ...
What day is it today, anyway?
When you work a job that has odd days, like I do, for the past 30+ years, you have to think about it. "Do I work today or not?"
Weekends and holidays? You work them...every other weekend,
every other New Year's Eve, Christmas or Thanksgiving... July 4rth? Well, did you have off  Memorial Day? Then you work!
The days run into each other this way...the weeks run into each other even faster. Like someone tailgating you on I-95, they are always creeping up on you. "Sunday's on the phone to Monday, Tuesday's on the phone to me" oh, yeah!

I know a kid who lives for the weekend! He talks to the days, like they are his friends or enemies.
 He is not "a fan of Tuesdays after the holidays" and he is always cheering for Friday. "Come on!" and when Saturday is here, he is so happy, like he is visiting a long lost friend. "Here you are! We are gonna have a good time now!" He usually curses Wednesdays and Thursdays...He might want to think about making some kind of doctor's appointment on maybe Monday?
( If the voices say it is ok, that is )

All I can say is I am thrilled that there are not 8 Days a Week, because I would probably get stuck working it! and what would we call it anyway? What would we call it? My mind is blank, totally blank! Where did the concept of a week come from anyway? God....He was tired after six days so He just kicked back on Sunday. Well thank Him that He didn't work through or we would have had 8 days!

My life is scattered, not orderly like the weekdays. All the 9-5er's have it made, if you ask me! When they are old and feeble, they will know that on Friday, they can count on meatloaf and on Saturday, there will be spaghetti. They equivocate the days of the week with food or activities. My grandma did laundry on Wednesdays and grocery shopping on Fridays. No wonder it drove her nuts when I didn't do her shopping on the day she wanted! It rocked her world, but not in a good way...

And so, my life became flexible, like the career I chose, any day, any time! You are needed 24-7
and so you will be here as the need sees fit. Get used to it, we don't care if you don't like staying up all night or you get a stomachache at 3am! Get used to working 3 days on and 1 day off, too! Now back to 2 days on and 2 days off and then 3 again. Well anyway, you get the drift. How many days was that? Hmmm 3+1+2+2+3=11. Eleven? Eleven days? Well where the hell is Saturday or Sunday in that mess????

My point being, to some of us there is no Saturday or Sunday! So if we can't come to BBQ's or birthday parties or even church, it may be because we are on the job and maybe we can hang out with you 9-5ers some evening. Or if you give us enough time, we could request a special weekend off and come to your baby shower or wedding!

So anyway, enough said, I am more casual in my approach to life because of it... I don't give a rip what day the laundry or food shopping gets done. As long as it is this week or next. And one thing is for sure... it does not matter, what day it is as far as house cleaning goes! If it looks dirty today, well, truth is, it may or may not get cleaned, no matter what day of the week it is! Now gotta go! Tuesdays I work today or not? Gotta check the calendar...Oh crap! guess I do...

Eight Days a Week is not enough to show I care...

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