And away we go...

Welcome to my world...Here I am ,pen to paper or shall I say 'Word to Window' and I am off to explore this world... I am a "watcher" not a "doer" and I am ready to rock, roll and 'rite... Come along, if you dare, ya never know what we'll find there!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Time has slipped away...

Sometimes life is just too much...I look back and wonder where did the time go? and I look forward and see it coming fast and furious...does it keep getting faster or is it just me?
A baby is born and turn around, she is two! A child is going to middle school and a girl turned 'sweet sixteen' and I am talking about my grandchildren! When I think about my own kids, the time went slower...I thought they would never stop using pacifiers or wear diapers or walk or go to school. Summers dragged and vacations really lasted two weeks and school years always gave you time to prepare for what was coming next. "I'll do it tomorrow" really did give you 24 full hours to do whatever it was you "put off" You could squeeze in raising kids, going to college, working full time and running a household...there was just more time in 24 hours!
When kids become adults, it feels like someone stepped on the gas...Turn around and they are young girls with babes of their own...That darn Paul Anka! How did he know? How did he predict the future like that? I went to see him in concert and "he" looks the same and sounds the same! He must have found the 'fountain of youth' or built a time machine when he wrote that song...
Blink your eyes and you will be telling people "Oh I am 50-something!" or "Yes, I have been married 35+years" or "I have been working here 30-something years" I quit counting how many years for quite a few years now. Because I am getting "old?" Nope because I want time to slow down or just stop and let me take a breath, already!
Something must have really happened to the "space-time continuum" when Michael J. Fox went Back To the Future...So how do we steal back time? The only way we can! By getting up an hour earlier and writing a blog, that's how! Oh, were we talking about me? or you? You have to steal it from your very own sleep! Man! That's just wrong, but it is the only way to trick time!
And the other way is to remember, just "remember the times of your life" Stop making fun of people who love to take pictures and movies and write because they are literally 'capturing' time...
If I could turn back time, if I could find a way...


  1. Well said. I think people don't know they can comment here. They just do it on FB. All it takes is a free google account
