And away we go...

Welcome to my world...Here I am ,pen to paper or shall I say 'Word to Window' and I am off to explore this world... I am a "watcher" not a "doer" and I am ready to rock, roll and 'rite... Come along, if you dare, ya never know what we'll find there!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A new day, a new dawn...

"It just wasn't meant to be" What does that mean? I was wishing that I could recall every time that was either said to me or that I said it to someone else! I imagine all those recollections could fill an entire book and I would be a best-selling author today instead of a blogger! But... I guess "it just wasn't meant to be"
Does this statement have something to do with God? I mean, are we gonna blame HIM again? Or did some oxymoron come up with this? You could potentially make this statement about almost any and ALL situations in your life! "There is no creamer for the coffee in the frig!" Guess you were meant  to drink it black today or even worse, not drink it at all? "I didn't get a good parking space!" Guess you were "meant" to walk a city block to get to an appointment that could be cancelled if you were not on time, or even worse, find a space a little closer, only to have the car door scratched by some idiot next to you! "I didn't get a raise" How could this EVER not be meant to be, UNLESS, you were the world's worst slacker!
So why do we say this? And should we blame it on somebody, some thing or someone? Well, YES! let's just find out who this guy is! Is it someone who "forgot" to stop at the store and actually BUY creamer? Is it because someone did not give themselves enough time to get to their appointment OR if they did, was there a traffic jam, or even worse, an accident that caused this? And about that raise, were YOU a slacker or was your boss a blockhead?
But all this "meant to be" crap is MOST commonly used for stuff like: not getting to buy the new house or car that you really wanted for whatever reason...not having that really special guy or girl return your attentions...not getting a job you wanted...not winning the lottery...wait a minute! how did THAT get in there?...Because I TOLD can be used for any and all situations, remember?
So I'm not gonna blame God...He takes the blame for too much stuff already! Hmm, Should I really blame myself? I had only good intentions and I am NOT a slacker, so...NO, I'm not taking the rap! Let me think now, I am close, I am gonna come up with something! OK, got it! The UNIVERSE! That's it! Sometimes "the moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns with Mars"
So, another problem solved, just by blogging! Hey! Do you think "it was meant to be?" that I am here in this particular place in the universe so that I can figure out one simple statement and put everyone's queries to rest??? Hmmm, maybe I was just meant to be here....

And peace will guide the planets and love will steer the stars...

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