And away we go...

Welcome to my world...Here I am ,pen to paper or shall I say 'Word to Window' and I am off to explore this world... I am a "watcher" not a "doer" and I am ready to rock, roll and 'rite... Come along, if you dare, ya never know what we'll find there!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

New Beginings

One of my AD's (adopted daughter) wished me new beginnings and she is so right! I have a new outlook since I started writing. It's as if I have a new child. I am excited to get up each day and I wake up earlier and earlier and sometimes even in the middle of the night just to feed "her". I say "her" because I am surrounded by estrogen in my life! Everyone and everything is a GIRL! Except my husband, of course!
I have two daughters and two, make that three grand daughters and a niece who truly is my third daughter and she even has a daughter and the dog is a girl-Phew! And my new car is a girl, I just haven't named her yet! She is my newest baby, the car, that is, and she arrived yesterday! One of my dearest friends had an arrival yesterday, too. She had a second grandson born on her birthday! Cool, huh? now talk about the opposite: She has a husband and three sons and two grandsons and is surrounded by testosterone! But we have so much in common because we both LOVE our sons and daughters so very much!
All ya need is love, the Beatles sang it and my baby G-girl (grand girl) even has a T-shirt with this written on it! Boys, Girls, who cares what they are "as long as they are healthy" a phrase I have heard hundreds of times in my life and line of work.....and this is the greatest wish or blessing you could have! I used to tell my first time parents after the baby was born and I put their newborn in their arms "Now, you are a family"
I am hopeful for some other new 'arrivals' in my life and they don't all have to be days are new friends are new vacations...You get the picture! even shedding weight could be a new arrival or would that be a departure! Yes, yes it would and that is a whole 'other' blog. Although, my daughter DID say that she is trying to get down to her original weight...6# 13oz'. Funny Girl! The apple don't fall too far from the tree, right?
So my adopted daughter is right! I am not too old for new beginnings. And her birthday is tomorrow! She is so precious to me because I hand picked her or did she pick me? Doesn't matter...I love her dearly. I have another AD who's birthday is coming up soon too! I think back and wonder what the real day was when I 'adopted' these two and then I think, again,it doesn't matter. We don't need a day to celebrate our special bond. It goes without saying that I also have several other adopted girls that come with being friends with my girls and now I am finding that my G-girl has some new additions too!
I am not sure if this is my quote or I stole it from somebody, but I always say "Blood does not make a family...Love does" And I have a huge family because I have many special sister-girl friends and I will speak of them again and again. After all, each and every one of these wonderful females in my life are all characters in my book of my life!

Love is all ya need, love is all ya need...

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