And away we go...

Welcome to my world...Here I am ,pen to paper or shall I say 'Word to Window' and I am off to explore this world... I am a "watcher" not a "doer" and I am ready to rock, roll and 'rite... Come along, if you dare, ya never know what we'll find there!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Just itchin to tell you...

I can’t figure out what I am allergic to…I have hives that keep coming and going…It started about a week and a half ago. My whole torso was covered! And when you are plus-sized like me, we are talking a LOT of square footage. I am "itching to get out of" this predicament, pardon the pun…
I asked myself all the typical questions; Did I eat something different? Nope, don’t think so, I’m not exactly adventurous when it comes to food-meat and potatoes, please! And of course all the fixins; corn, gravy, sweet ice tea and key lime pie for dessert…I DID drink some Peach wine from the great state of Georgia, and I cut up a fresh Georgia peach to drop in the glass…Talk about dessert! Ya know there are preservatives in wine…hmm…Oh Dear God…I can’t be allergic to wine! My life is over if there be no sip yet left from the vine, which thou art made of! Geez, guess I will stop the Shakespeare stuff and all the “whining about wine” Although, I would like a little cheese with that…Never Mind!
Next question; Is this gonna take awhile? Is this gonna be longer than an F-cat test? Is this really gonna help me find the allergy culprit? Final answer to all three: “Maybe, definitely maybe”
Now I DID sit at someone else’s desk last week, but I don’t think she has any communicable diseases. Nothing like that showed up on her profile, anyway. She has no criminal record and she got pretty good grades in college and she was married and divorced twice to the same guy…Oops! Forgot what I was trying to get to! There is absolutely no reason whatsoever that I need to bring in an FBI profiler! And yet they DO have connections to people who investigate forensic evidence! I wonder if there is a way I could ‘sneak’ that chair out of the office…Hmmm
Oh, the drama! I will save it for my mama! And she does not have any allergies except for iodine- that’s it! There must have been some iodine in the laundry soap, or the wine, or the chair or the, the, the…Aww, just forget it! I will never figure it out until I go to say, some kinda expert in allergies like perhaps, an allergist…Some of them are even doctors!
Guess I will just glob on some cortisone cream, take some Benadryl, make an appointment and call it a day, cause the Benadryl is gonna knock me out for a few hours!

Just itchin-twitchin-itchin for a break

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