And away we go...

Welcome to my world...Here I am ,pen to paper or shall I say 'Word to Window' and I am off to explore this world... I am a "watcher" not a "doer" and I am ready to rock, roll and 'rite... Come along, if you dare, ya never know what we'll find there!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Drug of Choice is...

Recently made a comment that I was out of gas, Running on Empty. I am about to chase Forrest Gump across the US of A just to get my mojo back! It disappeared one night a few weeks ago. Just happens to coincide with when I stopped blogging... Maybe my mojo IS blogging...

Just have not felt what we in the medical profession call "well" What was supposed to be wonderful and amazing-getting a new smile-went haywire...And then it was the addiction to something so benign... and yet malicious in the end! A druggist's dream, a toothaches' "Romeo"and I was calling out for ROMEO in my sleep! OR, WAIT! Was it Motrin I was calling for???
Motrin, advil, ibuprofen, whatever 'street' name you wanna call is addicting! Another misguided woman I work with, searching for her smile, was trying to 'score' some the other day at the office. I hesitated, not wanting to share my goods with her, but then I began thinking of PAIN, our real arch enemy,and I gave in, and mumbled "Yeah, yeah, I have some, but it's just generic" Hoping that "generic" would dissuade her from taking any of my precious stash, but knowing too, by the look on her face that she,too, was on the road to The Big M Addiction.
What is it about DENTAL PAIN that only Motrin can relieve? It's a top held secret that only organizations like the FDA or DEA or FBI or even the CIA really know about! If word got out on the street, how effective this drug is, then the WHOLE economy would CRASH! Think I am kidding?
If people addicted to narcotics (due to pain issues) knew, that they could go to CVS or Walgreens and actually cop this stuff OTC! (over the counter) THEN! Then they wouldn't have to go to their PCP's (primary care physicians) and pay a co-pay and then get an Rx (prescription) and pay another co-pay and get the good stuff. BUT! and it's a BIG BUTT! (huh?) Anyway, the secret is this: Motrin alone, takes away DENTAL PAIN! you say "so what?" I'll tell ya what! Let me ask you! WHAT is the WORST pain you have ever endured????
OK, forget LABOR!, we ALL know that Labor is the Mother of All PAIN! And for all you guys ( and some girls) who just 'might' be reading, I'm gonna give you this: Kidney Stones, okay? (hardly worth capitalizing the letters for, right?) ALL other pain is curable without narcotic relief! Whoops, thought of one more: Hemorrhoids! Maybe that is why the Big Butt thought popped into my brain, butt anyway...God nor man has not now or EVER come up with a cure for what most people commonly refer to as a "pain in the ass" because we all know that most of these pains are people,not hemorrhoids! So that leaves Dental Pain taking First Prize!
SO! Next time PAIN comes knocking at your door or punches you in the mouth or tries to "birth" itself out of your body or into your body( wait a second! those DO call for the IV drugs: You're gonna need a doctor for this stuff!) Well, you get the picture! Just run yourself up the street and hook up with your local drug ( I was not gonna say "dealer" of course!) store! BUTT! Stay away from my 'turf' and stay in your own 'hood, cause MY CVS better never be out of the Big M!
I look around for the friends that I used to turn to to pull me through, Looking into their eyes, I see them running too...


  1. I have known this for years but no one ever believed me!

  2. This was in No Way to offend people who really need good narcotics (hospice,Ca,SCD etc.) I was speaking about 'wimpy' pain only and exaggerating, of course...
