And away we go...

Welcome to my world...Here I am ,pen to paper or shall I say 'Word to Window' and I am off to explore this world... I am a "watcher" not a "doer" and I am ready to rock, roll and 'rite... Come along, if you dare, ya never know what we'll find there!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Special Delivery

Is it wrong to be proud? Cause I am! not so much of me and what I have done (maybe a few things) How can I help but feel pride when I see the talents of my children and grandchildren? Because of me, "they" are here on this planet...a fact that sometimes scares the hell out of me...I put them here just by carrying them and then "delivering" them here...
Because of You by Reba is a a very poignant song...I am afraid. This was how I grew up. I did not raise my children this way "because" I did not want them to be afraid and I am the proudest of that. They take risks and make changes because that is what is best for them. They have their own minds and they make up their own minds to do whatever it is they do.

My oldest is an amazing woman today. She is beautiful, inside and out and has a gift to make anyone she meets her friend. She has the most incredible voice I have ever heard. When she was little-10 or 12, I guess, she used to sing "I know I'll never love this way again, so I keep holding on until the good is gone, I know..." Dionne Warwick, one of the best, and my kid belted it out just like her. I can say that I "introduced" her to Dionne and many, many more, but I had no part in that singing ability! I only "dreamed" I could be a singer and then I just wanted to be a "background" singer, not the star. She is a star and we don't need American Idol or America's got Talent to prove it. No matter where she sings, people love her, because she is so natural up there. And I "delivered" her to all of you.

My youngest is awesome. She is a wondrous creature who is loved by all who know her. She will keep you at a distance, she is no fool, but if you are lucky enough to have her let you in then you are special indeed. Now this girl can dance! She has always been a "mover" and I love to watch her. She likes to move it, move it...I again had no part in this talent, except again, the "dream" to be a go-go dancer on Hullabaloo in the sixties.

I got up on some kind of platform once at a high school dance in my mini dress and wonder to this day "what was I thinking?" I didn't even do drugs then...What gave me that courage? I say courage because to dance when every body's watching does take guts...What if they laugh? or make faces? Well, my kid says "who cares? just move and have fun" To have that abandon must be so freeing! And I "delivered" her to all of you...
The have any ounce of artistry in you at all is a gift. Are we born with it? Do we inherit it? Do we "learn" it? Can we just "conjure it up" on demand? I dunno, am I an "artist" because I am a writer? I hope so!
I can't wait to see what appears in my grandchildren! They are both amazingly photogenic and the camera loves them. And I only "dreamed" of being a model when I was young. They may never become professional singers and dancers and models, but they ARE singers and dancers and models! Did my dreams come true in them? Absolutely! Am I proud? You bet! And I delivered each of them to you, special delivery! You are welcome, World!

All I have to do is dream,dream,dream...

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