And away we go...

Welcome to my world...Here I am ,pen to paper or shall I say 'Word to Window' and I am off to explore this world... I am a "watcher" not a "doer" and I am ready to rock, roll and 'rite... Come along, if you dare, ya never know what we'll find there!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Can I be a serious journalist? I dunno...It being September 11 and all, it's a good day to try it out... I would never be a smart ass or wise guy on a day like this. It is somber,indeed.
Where were you that day? I remember I was working , as a nurse, taking care of moms and babies in a busy hospital. I glanced at a TV and saw what looked like a movie scene-a plane plowing right through the Twin Towers. "What the heck?" The patient's husband told me what was happening and I tried to 'blow it off' and distract them and me with their precious newborn. It worked for a minute.
I left the room and saw my co-worker in a panic. Her cousin works in the Twin Towers and she can't get through there to talk to anybody, anywhere in NYC. "What happened?" I asked and then the worst happened when someone came running out and said they just hit the other tower with another plane! Dear God...
I felt weird, numb and scared and ran for the kitchen to get some ice. And I lost it...I prayed and cried...Is this it? Is this the beginning of the end? I cried because I thought my children and grandchildren and these newborn babies right here had NO future on this earth...I was so frightened and alone and nervous there that day. Is that what they wanted? I made some coffee because it gave me something to "do" and then wiped my face with a paper towel and went back to work.
I kinda turned off the TV in a room where a new mom and her baby were all alone...Why spoil her moments and she was oblivious to all at that moment anyway...I went back to the first room and they were all glued to the TV set and upset. I tried to think of some encouraging and hopeful words, but I had none, so I checked mom and baby and they were OK...I did my job.
By this time, there was a TV on wheels in the nurses station and I sat down for the first time. I felt like lead, wondering if I would even be able to get up when I had to. Is this for real? It looks surreal and they keep replaying over and over. Are those really people jumping out of the building? What kind of EVIL could have done this? And WHY?
It was truly the most awful day and I didn't even call my family to see if they saw or heard...I just stayed there, on the job and finished the day and watched the replay each time I went to the nurses station and then after 12 long hours, I finally went home.
Home didn't feel so safe anymore. We were also glued to the TV set just trying to wrap our brains around what really happened...And we all felt helpless. The newscasters were so calm, just doing their jobs, I guess. To this day, 9-11-2010, nine years later, I can't get my brain around any of it. I can only empathize with those who were directly affected by it. It changed the USA that day.
I can only spend this day remembering and respecting those people. My heart breaks for them all, heroes all, they gave their lives all, for us all...Never forget, I know I never will. God bless us all and Let Freedom Ring!

And I won't forget the men who died and gave that right to me...

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