And away we go...

Welcome to my world...Here I am ,pen to paper or shall I say 'Word to Window' and I am off to explore this world... I am a "watcher" not a "doer" and I am ready to rock, roll and 'rite... Come along, if you dare, ya never know what we'll find there!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Change is good...

Been thinking about changing the name of my blog...I think it confuses people...They are just not "hip" shall we say, to my subtle nuances and play on words. I DO have over 1800 "hits" on this site, but... maybe I would have MORE if say, I named it "MARIE's BLOG! Would Ya Read It Already?" or "For the Love of Sam, Look! Pay Attention! Read!" How about "COME ON! Read This Frickin Thing and Tell Me what Ya REALLY think!" I dunno...I just need to "market myself" a little better,Ya know?

  I really DID give it a lot of thought when I came up with this title, though! I mean,really! WHO doesn't like "Breakfast?" And there is something REALLY wrong with ANYBODY who does NOT like The "Beatles" and their music! And even MORE wrong, if God Forbid! They don't even know WHO The Beatles are??? Some of "today's" kids DON'T and quite frankly, I find that shocking and disturbing on SO many levels! Poor things...Obviously, they have not been "raised right" I mean, really? Even the Band Geeks loved The Beatles!

And GEEZ! Who did NOT have a couple of "best friends" in high school? One was a guy-hence "Bobby" and one was a girl- enter "Dee" And you score high points if you get the Janis Joplin "clue" in the title, too! "Good enough for me and Bobby and Dee" La da da,la da da da...PLEASE don't tell me if you don't know Who Janis Joplin and Bobby McGee are? I don't think my heart could bear such news! My 82 year old mother knows The Beatles AND Janis Joplin! Maybe not "personally" but she knows...or she DID know...I will have to "quiz" her when I see her, because her memory IS slipping... Get ready Ruth! Maybe I will write up about ten, no, make that five questions for her "POP" quiz!

SO...I thought I would encompass AND encourage just about everyone and anyone who is WORTH "encompassing" to read MY blog...Let's face it...Not everyone KNOWS what a BLOG is...I betcha Ruth won't--better make that Question Six for her...hey, ya learn something new everyday, right? So WHY have I NOT "attracted" the RIGHT people to read my entertaining columns? I dunno! My TRUE, faithful followers happen to be THOSE who I love dearly...It is EASY for them to "read me" and think I am all that and a bag of m&m's! (thought I was gonna say something else, eh?) I just need ONE editor from ONE magazine (or newspaper) to "read me" JUST ONE! Where IS that Devil Who Wears Prada lady? Or that Julie and Julia kid? Just WHO discovered her? HUH? Who? SHE wrote a damn blog and a damn book and then they made a damn movie about her damn blog and damn book! DAMN! I really shouldn't swear so damn much, but DAMN!

I'm gettin older, I need to get discovered SOON! Father Time is chasing after me! Wait a minute! My mom is REALLY old and my dad was old and my grandma and grandpa were old, too! WHEW! I have "longevity" on my side, Thank God! So! What should I change the name of my blog to? Hell's bells, mama! You tell ME! I mean, really! Tell me..."I'm listening" as Frasier would say, and you BETTER know who Frasier is! (Question number seven for Ruth!) Well, I will be here if you come up with anything clever. I mean, I can't name it "HEY You! Devil Who Wears Prada Lady Magazine Editor Types! Would You Give An Old Broad A Break And READ This Blog? Would ya, huh?" THAT would seem like groveling or beggin or something like that, and as humorous and clever and amazing and wondrous as my writings are, really! I don't "think" I want to attract that KIND of attention, now, do I? Hmmm...Aww, what the hell! "Hey You! Devil Who... well, you get the picture!

Time is on my side, yes it is, time is on my side...

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