And away we go...

Welcome to my world...Here I am ,pen to paper or shall I say 'Word to Window' and I am off to explore this world... I am a "watcher" not a "doer" and I am ready to rock, roll and 'rite... Come along, if you dare, ya never know what we'll find there!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Blog! Blog! Blog!

So I've been a slacker---AGAIN! Guess I had a writer's block but that's a lie. I wake up at night and think of stuff to write about, but then because I HATE to write with a pen and paper anymore and I am really NOT gonna go downstairs in the middle of the night and write on my laptop...Oh HELL no! well, then I drift back to sleep and forget all about that awesome topic I had in mind. Sometimes I want to write about something "ugly" and in fact I do write about it, but then I do not print it...I hide it or delete it or send to a friend who I trust. And sometimes I write something real dramatic, like poetry a la Shakespeare, or even a screenplay! And would I print that stuff here in my blog? Hell no! No way, No how, not ever! Well...not yet anyhow. It's funny how the poetry is just TOO personal and I don't want to be judged too harshly...What if someone doesn't like it or doesn't get it and what if they don't "read" my play the way it should be read? I just can't take that kind of rejection...
So why is it okay to publish what I write here in my blog? Beats the hell out of me! I guess I am comfortable here having this little chat with all the blogsters out there! I am just "small talking" and sometimes "trash talking" with people who are actually taking the time to read this whole thing because....Gee, they really like me? They think I am Funny? They think I am right? They think I have a way with words? They think I am delusional? Perhaps and perhaps... So here is what I have done...I now have a laptop downstairs AND upstairs! Pretty brilliant, huh? Aww, not really, I just sorta convinced my husband that he should "keep" his laptop upstairs and I will now "allow" him to use mine downstairs, which he does anyway, as well as my daughter using it too...She DID have her own laptop until her daughter took all the letter keys "off " and did... I don't know WHAT to them...she put them back once and I'll be danged if the little squirt didn't plum do it again! So it has become the family computer anyway! I mean, who the hell wants to actually carry a laptop upstairs and downstairs? That's just plain CRAZY! So all my adoring fans (all eleven of you!) I am sure you are thrilled to know that at any point in time, night or day, I will NOW have access to blog all night and blog all day! Oh Joy! 
I want to rock and roll all night and party every day...

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