And away we go...

Welcome to my world...Here I am ,pen to paper or shall I say 'Word to Window' and I am off to explore this world... I am a "watcher" not a "doer" and I am ready to rock, roll and 'rite... Come along, if you dare, ya never know what we'll find there!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

DNA : Awesome Genetics!

Did you ever just love somebody that you hardly even really knew? Maybe you only met once or twice in a lifetime but then a little thing called Facebook comes along and Voila! You get to know some one's daily thoughts and feelings as they are actually feeling it I have sooo many subjects to write about that I have to keep notes of my titles, but when I write, it just comes to me. It is a gift, I think, because I am not so smart and quick and brilliant... but some of my writings are! I read some poems and can't believe that I wrote them! I want to publish, but don't know how, hence the blog or as I like to say "The Lazy Man's Way To Journalism" Maybe I'll be discovered and some "suit" will want me to write a daily or weekly column, cause I totally would! OR put all this stuff together and write a book? There is a book in me...there is a book in everyone, I believe...Sometimes we have to "ghost write" for people we love or people we hold dear to our hearts...

 In the olden days, there was a thing called "penpals" Get ready, kids, cause I will explain: You picked a pen pal who lived far enough away that you could not easily visit and you could not call them either because it would be "long-distance" and that was so expensive that we actually feared the telephone somewhat! I had a BFF, and she used to go to South Carolina each summer so we would write letters with a pen and paper and put a stamp on it and mail it! WHEW! It would take days to get to her and then she would write back when she could and use a pen and paper and put a stamp on it and then, Yep! you guessed it! A whole week passed before I got her reply to my great letter, which at that point I had forgotten what I even wrote in the first place! Remember, it was the olden days: NO Copies! No place to "store" the letters NO Proof of your witty repartee' unless you used something called carbon paper, but again, it was expensive. So all those letters are Dust In The Wind, along with the friendship? I hope not... She is not a facebooker and she disappeared about 5 years ago. I DO give her credit for igniting this writer within and since she was a writer too-I kept a few of her most humorous ones. She was indeed a friend for "reason" Back to the future! I mean present...I now know my cousin, who I might have never known and I get choked up when I think about her...She is a constant in my life now, because of FB.

How I wish my own sister up north was here ( in Facebook Land) too! I have been gifted by God with more than one BFF and could write (and have written ) pages and pages about them. Some with an actual pen and paper! I found some the other day in a notebook of mine that started because I almost had a near brush with death...That is another whole blog! So, my cousin is caring...she speaks to me everyday and she is encouraging...she asks me "where the hell is the blog" She just did and so here I am, baby! Back to the Blog! She prays and asks for prayer's! and I am a "prayer" I can get the job done when it comes to that and she knows it! She is, next to my daughter, they have the same blood...the greatest sports fan of all! She is faithful and loyal to all the Chicago teams. Heck, for some reason, maybe it was Saturday Night Live or "Brian's Song" but I have always kinda liked "The Bears!" myself. She is funny! witty! again! the same blood! She is like glue...Galaxy Glue, Galaxy Glue, what would we do without Galaxy Glue? Life would go to pieces without Galaxy Glue...she will know what I am talking about every time! We are kindred. Genetics and DNA: Awesome! There is a code that links us together. She keeps the families, North and South ,together! Bet she didn't even know how special she really is, but she knows now! Why? Cause she is my faithful follower and she will read this before anyone else ever will and I love her for it. I hope her whole real, first family (you know, the one that has "skin" on them) knows what an important part she plays in this game of life! It's kinda like putting a puzzle together...If you didn't have that one crucial piece, you couldn't complete the whole picture! You "complete" us...all of us! So,this one's for you, Vori, my BFF cousin, the very puzzle piece that put our whole family together! Job well done, or "Well done, You" as the British would say!

To know,know, know you is to love, love, love you...


  1. Hey she's not faithful to "all" the Chicago teams. A Bears fan Yes, but She is a New York Yankee fan too! :) Its bottom of the 8th, Yankee's are up by one Let's Go Yankee's!!!!! Great blog mom. Love you

  2. WOW! Can't believe I actually heard from my friend Donna, who was my pen pal!!!! Amazing! Hopefully she will read my blogs and then write one of her own! It's all good!
