And away we go...

Welcome to my world...Here I am ,pen to paper or shall I say 'Word to Window' and I am off to explore this world... I am a "watcher" not a "doer" and I am ready to rock, roll and 'rite... Come along, if you dare, ya never know what we'll find there!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Do you know me?

Ray Charles sings one of the most beautiful songs "You don't know Me" and in the movie Groundhog Day there is a dance scene in a gazebo with Bill Murray and Andie McDowell that is classic and beautiful. Do you ever feel like people don't know you? I do...Maybe it's because I am a Scorpio and take secrets to the grave if you tell me or that I have secrets too. I am surprised sometimes by things that people say or suggest to identifying me with a political party that I have no loyalty to? First age old rule :no politics please or at least keep your opinion to yourself...I do...Oh I might roll my eyes at stuff, but what am I really rolling my eyes about? I might be a few steps ahead of you and already thinking of something else. My political view is this: get ready! I feel strongly BOTH ways. I am one who has always thought that I should listen to all and take the best from all and maybe I am good at keeping secrets because you thought I thought this when I really think this! hmmm...

Or do you think I am a tree hugger or not? Hmmm...Always loved trees. Remember? "the girl in the tree is Me" I recycle and I cringe when a piece of paper is wasted but do I always recycle ? nope! but I do a lot of the time... Always loved the planet earth...I am a resident here and I am amazed at the wonders of nature that my creator has created...Oh yes, here we religious views are on the table now, so here is my belief: If I was walking along the beach and having a wonderful day at the ocean (one of Mother Nature's most awesome gifts for sure!) and I saw something shining that washed up on the shore and picked it up and saw that it was a watch, then I would say to myself "wow, a watch, who made this?" Someone, somewhere made this-there is a watchmaker who created this...the watch may or may not be broken, just like anything or anyone that has been created, but it is a watch and it is here... So now comes creationism...did we evolve from tadpoles and monkeys or did we just start out human? Oh boy! I believe what I believe but in the grand scheme of things, I will not waste time arguing about how we started because in the end, who cares? Our beginning will be explained in our ending and we ALL have a beginning and an ending, RIGHT??? So I believe that my beginning and my ending will result in this: I will meet the watchmaker and if this gives me peace in my heart, then why would I want to argue about the deepest secrets and beliefs that I hold to be true to my soul? and why would I want to shove them down your throat either? If you are curious about what I really believe and want to really know me, then just ask! But then... just listen...don't judge, don't argue and just don't ask unless you want to really know me! Will it make a difference in how I feel about you? NO! because if you are my friend, I will love and care for you regardless of our differences in what we believe. My beliefs will not stop my love for my friends and family, but my beliefs will probably enhance that love. So leave me to my beliefs and know this: that just because "you don't know me" doesn't mean that I will love you any less. I believe in the "unique-ness" of us all and if you really knew me, you would know, that I am not so unique,after all....I don't have it all figured out for you and the rest of the world...I just have it figured out for me...

I'm just a friend,that's all I've ever been, cause you don't know me

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