And away we go...

Welcome to my world...Here I am ,pen to paper or shall I say 'Word to Window' and I am off to explore this world... I am a "watcher" not a "doer" and I am ready to rock, roll and 'rite... Come along, if you dare, ya never know what we'll find there!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Okie,McSmokie Skiddly do!

I cannot believe I have not written in over a month! Where have I been? in a fog? in a slump? asleep? in a crisis? in Georgia? ALL of the above! And no wonder! I have NOT "been to therapy" and MY therapy is blogging! Now I have seen movies about "blogging" and that is where I got this idea in the first place,so why can I not be consistent??? I the movies,it's all so different...and in the movies they get a "payoff" for blogging! What is MY payoff? Hmmm...a "only wish" I could blog for dollars! Wow, I really DO need therapy!

Would that I could have a job that challenged my mind and my creativity and my very soul! AND that did not have a high cost when mistakes were made...How could mere words cause such stress? How can you make mistakes when you write from the heart? How could I EVER be wrong? And that is WHY my dream will never come true...there is no perfect blog job! Bold It would eventually become something to dread and then I would get "writer's block" and have no topic to write about unless! Unless I had the perfect readers and they would give me topics to write about! THAT would be awesome! It would of course, be "my" take on the topic and AGAIN, HOW could I be wrong??? Oh how I wish upon a star for my thoughts, like pen to paper and "Words to Windows" be something that people would actually read! Heck, I go to bed late and wake up early with my mind racing anyway,why not put this "race" to a finish and DO something with this crazy energy? Well until the day that I "win the lottery" for creative writing, I will just blog a little here, blog a little there, get down tonight! Signing off for this post, "only the shadow knows" when I shall blog again...hopefully the "blog gods" will be with me and guide me through until reality sets in and I realize that perhaps I am NOT a writer at all or that perhaps...I AM! Oh, and my title? Somebody got "paid" to write THAT...It's from a Geico commercial! WOW!

When you wish upon a star, all your dreams will come true

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