And away we go...

Welcome to my world...Here I am ,pen to paper or shall I say 'Word to Window' and I am off to explore this world... I am a "watcher" not a "doer" and I am ready to rock, roll and 'rite... Come along, if you dare, ya never know what we'll find there!

Sunday, July 29, 2012


I wrote this poem after Donna's sister Belinda died.
It may not be "usual" blog material, but it is important to acknowledge nonetheless...Donna and I shared a love for "All Things Shakespeare" at one time, and so it should be read in that light...

Grief’s Door

Where would thou lead me, Through Her door?
To find my heart pierced By Her swift arrows?
Arrows wrought by loss, Not Cupid’s love…
When will She leave me? With Summer’s end?
Or will She stay within me Until I am in my twilight?
How could She steal from me One so precious and adored,
And leave behind Her dreary presence?
Stay not with me! For I am spent and worn from these bitter tears…
Depart from me, you Thief! You! Who have robbed me
You have taken a very part of my soul…
You have taken one so dear and ingrained in my heart
That I fear it may skip a beat
And forget to beat again…
My mind swims in your confusion
It leads me not to a safe shore, But weary from ever paddling…
Run from me, Robber! Leave me my rest
For my heart and my mind and my very soul are torn by you
How long will you stay? A day? A week? A year? A lifetime?
Have mercy, I pray. Do not blanket me with this affliction forever!
Who can save me? My Lord, my God, has thou taken my loved one to be with Thee?
Can You love this one so dear to me as much as I did?
The one whose very absence crushes me with pain?

The one whose voice I will hear no more?
Whose lips will not kiss or arms will not hold me?
Do those eyes twinkle now for You and those who came before?
Will you now hold this one securely in Your arms and kiss now that dear face?
Oh, promise me ...Oh, promise me
Can this hole in my heart ever heal?
What can fill it, my Lord?
Will You now comfort me in my night of Grief and also in the mourning?
Would He who loved the world so much That He gave His only son
Save my heart and soul and mind
And send His peace while She is still tormenting me?
I pray He will ...I pray He will

I sometimes read this poem and wonder...just "who" wrote it... I dedicate it to 3 women I lost in my life that I loved dearly; My niece Michelle, her mother Pam and my beloved mother in law Helen.The grief I felt with the loss of each of them is faint now after many years, but not gone...

Ruth 1:16-17- And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God.

And today 08/07/2012, my dear, sweet friend Binnie died, and so this is for you, too. My heart is broken once again in the loss of my wonderful friend.
Sadly Donna passed away as well in 2013 and then Denise passed away the next year. I found out through Facebook which is a blessing and a curse... My sorrow and my grief cannot be released into words as of yet...

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