And away we go...

Welcome to my world...Here I am ,pen to paper or shall I say 'Word to Window' and I am off to explore this world... I am a "watcher" not a "doer" and I am ready to rock, roll and 'rite... Come along, if you dare, ya never know what we'll find there!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Autumn Slump, I guess...

So, what the hell is wrong with me now? I haven't written since 911? Must be some kinda hidden message there, or maybe September 11 is the kickoff to what I now call the Autumn Slump...

So here I am, ready to! raisin toast-check! reading glasses- check! new laptop-check! (Lets just see how you roll, Miss Dell 2!) Tissues-check. Why Tissues? Because! I have already been crying all morning. Why? Well, Facebook stuff, that's why! Damn that Zuckerberg! I got a whole blog just waiting to be written about YOU...

What made me cry first? Hmmm, let me count the "posts". I realized that I was NOT getting some postings because I didn't have "all stories" button engaged and then Voila! I had several hundred postings to catch up on...Crap! I haven't been "on" Facebook as much lately, although some of my friends and family would not agree. BUT, I say! Just ask Vori! She KNOWS! She IS my cousin and because of Facebook, I have fallen in love with her! Oh come on! not in that way...again she is my cousin!

Vori is my kin. She is my kindred spirit. She gets me and I get her. How do I know? Because she reads my blogs and sees me there, because SHE is there. She is My Christina, and that means, she is my sister-cousin. She is faithful and true and FUNNY! She is me. My Christina is my niece, who is actually my daughter. She is the sister-cousin to my girls ( Not like sister-wives! What a bunch of freaks they are! So why do I watch? I dunno...) My girls were "raised right" and raised together. They are Three Peas in a POD! When you are that close, it is, shall we say? AWESOME! And Vori and her siblings "should" have been "raised" with me and my siblings, but she wasn't and DNA and genetics prevailed and here we are! Sister-cousins!

The reason I have not been "facing" Facebook is quite simple. I have a new job, which I just love! But I am on a computer 8 hours a day and when I come home, I just have to chill...and "switch" to my old lover-the television! She is a temptress that one...(She? So what! My TV is a girl and I like it!) Quite seductive, as she introduces me to all her friends in TV Land. I can't get enough of them...I tell you what though, I bought that Real housewife of New Jersey's cookbooks, and she is one crazy bitch! She is SO "The Teresa Show" that she doesn't even look around and SEE how lucky she is! She has a loving brother and  she has 4 daughters, who will hopefully grow up well, in spite of their crazy mother (maybe) And girlfriends! Whoa, Don't EVER lose A Girlfriend from Jersey, cuz they will stick with you forever. I know, I have a few of them, but, if they are done with you, they are done!

Enough of The Housewives... WHO? who? who? is gonna be our NextTop Model Superstar? Talk about some crazy biotches! Whew! They are my guilty pleasure...Why? Because back in the day, the "girl in the tree" was me, I wanted to be Twiggy, the first super model. I WAS Twiggy! Cute! Skinny! I was SO skinny! and Tall...1-2-3, that was me...My dream was to be a model and when I think of it today, I think "How shallow! These broads ain't got no friends, no family, no wonder they CAN be super models" My daughter and granddaughter and I watch every show together! I think Angelea just might pull it off this time! The 716 girl is in the house and hungry to win! From homeless to superstar! But watch out for Miss Laura! She is cute as a button, and her granny sews all her clothes. She is country girl competition! So, enough of these REAL People!

I tell you what! If I am EVER, God Forbid, in trouble and need a lawyer, PLEASE call Harriet Korn or even Tommy Jefferson ( See! I like men too! I am just very particular about them ) BUT FIRST! Call a cop and PLEASE send the boys in blue from the NYPD! Tom Selleck (Now HE is the first man I fell in love with...on TV, of course and I have been totally faithful to him for years, just ask my husband!) AND he can bring along "his boy" Donnie Walberg and his brother Mark too...You bet he can!

So, as you can see, I have been quite busy! And so I took today off and I am catching up with my "Real World" My first contact was my friend Bobby and I am excited to say that he is sending me a paper he wrote ( Ha! I love him too. Alas, he is a writer, a man after my own heart) "Shakespeare in the Wake of 9/11" I MUST google his Brothers and Sisters: Siblings in English Literature paper, too! Sooo much to do today and I do have my priorities in line...

My second contact was my neighbor Jan across the street. Talk about a REAL housewife and girlfriend! Is she from Jersey or New York? Crap! I better find out! That is one thing you don't wanna mix up. She had surgery this week and I must say, she is so brave and so strong and so loyal and loving. She has had many losses in her life and she chooses to be better, not bitter. I am in what did we do for her? Send her flowers? Nah! Send her a get well card? nah! We did what any self respecting Irish neighbor would do! Make her and her hubby dinner! We made our version of Italian Ziti or Irish-Italian Ziti, complete with salad (in a bag) fresh rolls ( from Publix bakery) Giardelli Brownies (Now, that's Italian!) And some kinda Chardonnay my daughter picked out! AND, dadadaDA! She liked it! It must be true, because she posted it on Facebook!

My third and fourth contacts are my siblings who are ALL on road trips where the leaves and trees are changing colors. Just a reminder, I am a TREE freak and I "fell in love" with them all over again hard and fast when I first saw them in their glory in Autumn, a few short years ago "in person" (See, I don't just "fall in love" with girls and boys, I love trees too. Mostly in the Fall, but they are beauteous in the Winter, as well) So, because I love MY trees and love my SIBLINGS so much and they are ALL together in different places as we speak, I feel heartache, hence the box of tissues. I can't even "speak" yet of my home, my very haven in Northeast Georgia...We used to spend time there every Autumn and Winter and I never did get to see her in the snow...I miss My Tree in the front yard most of all and My Big Tree on the Circle and to think I have lost "them" hurts my heart so...

My Autumn slump, not over,
I think it's just begun,
My trees, the very ones that God has colored
with his crayon box of reds and golds and plums.
To fall into you, to fall in love with you,
that happened years ago,
And you will bring me to my Winter,
when diamonds fall from skies, take your leaves away
and replace you with a white winter coat of snow.
I love you and I miss you so and my heart,
like a child who hugs a tree,
will always be with you...

Please, Heaven, Please!
Be an eternity with trees...

All the leaves are brown and the sky is gray

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