And away we go...

Welcome to my world...Here I am ,pen to paper or shall I say 'Word to Window' and I am off to explore this world... I am a "watcher" not a "doer" and I am ready to rock, roll and 'rite... Come along, if you dare, ya never know what we'll find there!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Traveling Mercies

I am not Catholic,but I have two favorite saints-Anthony and Christopher. I do not believe that you have to pray to them for help. I believe that I can go right to the source, BUT! I believe in prayer and St Anthony and St Christopher routinely help me out.
Any sincere prayer to God is listened to, so I figure why not? St Anthony has helped me out of a jam quite a few times, the most recent was when I lost some cash. I was frantic! a couple hundred bucks don't come easy anymore to anyone! I became desperate to the point of praying! Why didn't I think of it sooner? Duh! Within a few hours, there it was! It was St Anthony who helped me find it, I am sure of it! I told some friends about it a few days later after the couple told me he lost his wedding ring. They are not Catholic either, but I grabbed the wife's hand and my sisters' hand and asked St Anthony to help us find his ring. They looked everywhere! And guess what? They found the ring later the next day...hmm, coincidence? I think not!
Now I don't really pray to St Christopher on a regular basis, BUT I do pray for "Traveling Mercies" each time we travel...It is MY thing! My family will tell you and they remind me if I forget. I have angels in the car to keep charge over us and and keep us in all our ways. Psalm 91:11, my favorite verse, because I count on it...It is hard to have faith and trust of any kind much less in something or someone you cannot even see...I always pray for God to keep us safe in our journey and to bless those we leave behind and those we are going to. And I thank Him for his blessings.
Now I am NOT superstitious. I don't believe if I forget to pray that He will not grant His mercies. I just feel better when I pray. I am NOT an extremist as far as my beliefs (anymore! another blog...) I just pray, just talk to God and ask for His help, like He is my father, cause He is! Sometimes all I say is "God bless whoever" and believe that HE listens, even when I don't believe He listens!
Now I thought of Traveling Mercies and the journey of traveling. I have been on a journey for two years and have not thought once of praying for traveling mercies or to St Christopher. I just keep whining to God or saying stuff like "Oh, Come ON!" OR just send me some instructions in the mail and I will do whatever, just help a sister out, will ya? Not respectful enough,ya think? I don't think I mean disrespect, so No! That's not it...hmm...
I just need to realize that this is a journey and that I need St Christopher to "carry me" to completion. And I figure he has already been carrying me if I really think about it. It is just time to give credit where credit is due. I have been praying recently and "kissing the cross" Again, NOT Catholic, but it gives me comfort when I am facing daily struggles and I feel that I am not in this alone. When I am not near or with my family, I feel a loss of control, as if me just being there will keep them safe or something or at the very least I could get help for them as needed. What do I think I am? A "Saint"?
So, anyway, for me, prayer is the thing I count on...And I certainly don't mind a little help from my friends St Anthony and St Christopher. Oh and sometimes I cry out for "Holy Mary"

I get by with a little help from my friends, a little help from my friends...

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