And away we go...

Welcome to my world...Here I am ,pen to paper or shall I say 'Word to Window' and I am off to explore this world... I am a "watcher" not a "doer" and I am ready to rock, roll and 'rite... Come along, if you dare, ya never know what we'll find there!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Tick Tock

SO many topics, so little time... I am thinking that I don't like the way time is passing! The older I get the quicker, it goes. Now I don't mind it when Monday through Friday goes by like a flash, but can the weekends slow down a little? Geez! 2012 has already "lost" January! Now it's Valentine's Day and then St Patrick's Day and then Easter and then summer with July 4 and then the fall is here with Halloween and Thanksgiving and then Christmas again!  Bam! 2013! Already here!

Let's back up a little, shall we? or "can" we? Some parts of the day go by sooo slow,  like the 9-5 part although I do love my job and sometimes think "where has the time gone? I was just getting into a groove and now it's time to go home...Oh well, seeya tomorrow!"

And then I get home and it's time to get dinner and chill out and watch a TV show or  two. Seems like no time to exercise. I'm "too tired" to exercise and that is why I am hanging out on the couch....By the time, I think I might want to get up and move, then it is time to get up and move upstairs and take a shower and  go to bed. Phew, where did that evening go?
I try to spend some time writing but my mind is already catching some ZZZs and I am misspelling every other word! Thank God for spellcheck! I hope it works and my mind wanders again to thinking that I really do NEED to finish that crosstitch I started 3 years ago...It is a birth announcement for my second granddaughter, that is a "mimic" of the one I made for her cousin, my first granddaughter. That one only took me 2 -3 yrs to complete...

Time, you are no friend of mine
Always running away from me!
Stand still and just be...with me!
Time, are you an enemy? 

Ticking, tocking. Always "clocking"
Clocking my minutes, clocking my hours,
 clocking my days and clocking my nights...
Time, stop running! Taking with you my very life!
Running with the moments that I desire, running with the special times...
times with family, times with friends.
Times that I should have spent more wisely...
Will I ever see that the time that flashes by so swiftly
 is really all I have for "this" moment in time? 

Can time just stop and stand still ?
And let me finish my stitching, finish my writings, finish my readings?
Time, come sit beside me on  my comfy couch and "be" my friend!
 Let me just breathe and "not" count  to ten, because ten comes too quickly.
 Let me count to a thousand or ten thousand and slowly, slow time down...
Time, time, time...

And so I've run out of time and must finish my editing tomorrow and post my blog after that. I am not on a deadline to finish,but sometimes wish I were. I would write more that way. If I just had the time to really spend doing what I want to do, I would probably just waste the time and "veg" out on the couch anyway.                          

If I could save time in a bottle...